Geordie Duckler - Animal Law Practice Animal Law Practice
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The Animal Law Practice, 831 SW Hume St., Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: (503) 546-8052; Fax: (503) 841-6278; e-mail:
Oregon State Bar #873780; California State Bar #133707













  • Ph.D. Biology University of California, Los Angeles, California 1997
    Dissertation: "An Osteopathological Assessment Of Health Of North American Mammals From The Upper Pleistocene"
  • J.D. Law Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon 1987
  • M.S. Journalism University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon 1984
    Dissertation: "An Historical Analysis Of Journalistic Perceptions Of Extinct Animals In The American Print Media (1790 — 1980)"
  • B.S. Zoology Oregon State University; Corvallis, Oregon 1983
  • B.S. General Science Oregon State University; Corvallis, Oregon 1983


  • Attorney
    In general practice 1987 - Present
    • Ropers, Majeski, Kohn, Bentley, Wagner & Kane; San Francisco, California [Associate] 1987 - 1992
    • Kenney, Burd, Knutson & Markowitz; San Francisco, California [Senior associate] 1992 - 1993
    • Solo practitioner 1993 - 1999
    • Blake & Duckler, L.L.P.; Portland, Oregon [Partner] 1999 - 2003
    In specialty private practice of animal law
    • The Animal Law Practice; Portland, Oregon [Owner] 2003 - Present

  • Animal Control Hearings Officer
    Multnomah County Animal Services; Portland, Oregon 2001 - Present
  • Guest Lecturer
    University of Oregon School of Law; Eugene, Oregon
    Animal Law 1
    2009 - Present
    Portland State University; Portland, Oregon
    PSU Law Day
    2009 - Present
  • Columnist on animal law
    "BARK" magazine ["Ask The Expert"]; Berkeley, California 2004-2008
  • Adjunct Professor of Law
    Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon
    Animal Law I and Animal Law II
    2003 - 2007
  • Attorney in general private practice
    Blake & Duckler, L.L.P.; Portland, Oregon
    Practice areas: general civil and animal-related issues
    1999 - 2003
  • Assistant Professor of Human Anatomy
    Mt. Hood Community College; Gresham, Oregon 1999
  • Associate Professor of Human Anatomy; Biology; Research Methods
    Cleveland Chiropractic College; Los Angeles, California 1997 - 1998
  • Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences
    Union Institute; Los Angeles , California 1997 - 1998
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Vertebrate Biology
    University of California, Los Angeles, California 1997 - 1999
  • Instructor in General Science
    Oakwood School; North Hollywood, California 1997 - 1998
  • Instructor in Zoo Biology
    University of California, Los Angeles, California 1997
  • Teaching Fellow in Vertebrate Anatomy and Evolution; Vertebrate Morphology; 1992 - 1997
    Comparative Anatomy; Mammalogy; Biology of Organisms
    University of California, Los Angeles, California
  • Senior Associate attorney
    Kenney, Burd, Knutson & Markowitz; San Francisco, California
    Specialty practice areas: appeals and writs
  • Associate attorney
    Ropers, Majeski, Kohn, Bentley, Wagner & Kane; San Francisco, California
    Specialty practice areas: appeals and writs; federal declaratory relief actions
    1987 - 1992
  • Law clerk
    The Honorable John L. Kane, Jr., Federal District Judge, District of Colorado
    United States Courthouse, Denver, Colorado
  • Law clerk
    Federal Public Defender for the District of Oregon; Portland, Oregon 1985 - 1986
  • Law clerk
    Hoffman, Matasar & Glaeser; Portland, Oregon 1984 - 1985
  • Teaching Assistant in Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
    Department of Zoology; Oregon State University; Corvallis, Oregon 1981 - 1983


  • Duckler, G., F. Hertel, and B. Van Valkenburgh. 1994. Paleopathologies of late Pleistocene dire wolves from Rancho La Brea Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(3) Supp.: 23A.
  • Duckler, G. 1995. The fossil evidence for increased physiological stress in extinct mammals: interpreting the frequency of pathological indicators in late Pleistocene saber-tooth cats and dire wolves from Rancho La Brea Paleopathology Newsletter 7:5.
  • Duckler, G. 1995. Deciphering the pathological relevance of skull abnormalities in late Pleistocene saber- tooth cats Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(3) Supp.: 27A.
  • Duckler, G., and B. Van Valkenburgh. 1996. Assessing the health of Pleistocene saber-tooth cats: A comparison of osteopathologies in ancient and modern populations of felids Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(3) Supp.: 31A.
  • Duckler, G., and M. Shulman. 1996. "The Evolution of Horses", pp. D1-20, M. Shulman (ed.), Evolution and Biodiversity. Burgess Publishing, University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Duckler, G. 1997. A case of spondylosis deformans in the defleshed skeleton of a wild coyote (Canis latrans) and its significance to osteopathologic interpretation Journal of Wildlife Disease 33(2): 211-219.
  • Duckler, G., and W. Binder. 1997. Previously undescribed features in the temporalis and masseteric musculature of several large felids raised in captivity Zoo Biology 16: 187-191.
  • Duckler, G. 1997. Towards a more appropriate jurisprudence regarding the legal status of zoos and zoo animals Animal Law Journal 3: 61-72.
  • Duckler, G. 1997. Parietal depressions in skulls of the extinct saber-toothed felid Smilodon fatalis: evidence of mechanical strain Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3): 600-609.
  • Duckler, G. 1997. Adding insult to injuries: evidence of excessive trauma in late Pleistocene sabertooths at Rancho La Brea Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3): 44A.
  • Duckler, G., and B. Van Valkenburgh. 1998. Exploring the health of late Pleistocene mammals: the use of Harris lines Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(1): 180-188.
  • Duckler, G., and B. Van Valkenburgh. 1998. Osteological corroboration of pathological stress in a population of endangered Florida pumas (Puma concolor coryi) Animal Conservation 1(1): 39-46.
  • Duckler, G. 1998. An unusual osteological formation in the posterior skulls of captive tigers (Panthera tigris) Zoo Biology 17: 135-142.
  • Duckler, G. (in prep). Unusually high frequencies of bodily injury, illness and defect in two species of late Pleistocene carnivore (Smilodon fatalis, Canis dirus) from Rancho La Brea, California Paleobiology.
  • Duckler, G., and D. Campbell. 2001. "Nature of the Beast" Oregon State Bar Bulletin (May 2001).
  • Duckler, G. 2002. The Economic Value of Companion Animals: A Legal and Anthropological Argument For Special Valuation Animal Law Journal 8:199-221.
  • Duckler, G. 2003. "Animal Law For Pet Owners" Dog Nose News (Sept./Oct. 2003, Volume 4, Issues 2 and 3).
  • Duckler, G. 2004. "The Animal Control Hearing" Multnomah Lawyer (April 2004).
  • Duckler, G. 2004. On Redefining The Boundaries Of Animal Ownership: Burdens And Benefits To Evidencing Animals' Personalities Animal Law Journal 10:63-86.
  • Duckler, G. 2007. Animal Wrongs: On Holding Animals To (And Excusing Them From) Legal Responsibility For Their Intentional Acts University of Pennsylvania Law Journal 2:91-121.
  • Duckler, G. 2008. Two Major Flaws Of The Animal Rights Movement Animal Law Journal 14(2):179-200.
  • Duckler, G. 2008. Between Price and Pricelessness: Calculating The Specific Monetary Value Of A Dog Intentionally Harmed By Another University of Pennsylvania Law Journal 3:155.
  • Duckler, G., and L. Wilkins. (in prep 2011). Osteological corroboration of pathological stress in a population of endangered Florida pumas (Puma concolor coryi) updated: ten years later Animal Conservation.
  • Duckler, G. (in prep 2015). "In Defense of People: The Case Against Animal Rights" University of Pennsylvania Law Journal.
  • Duckler, G. and S. Gay (in prep 2016). Dog Economics: Reality and Illusion in Evaluating Dogs as Companions. University of Chicago Press.
  • Duckler, G. 2015 Inside the Minds: Recent Developments in Animal Law (chapter on Economics and Litigation in Animal Law); Thomson Reuters/Westlaw.
  • Duckler, G. (submitted 2015). "The Necessity of Treating Animals as Legal Objects" Animal Law Journal 22
  • Duckler, G. (submitted 2015). "The Ritual of Zoo Animal Confinement"Eventual Aesthetics.
  • Duckler, G. (in prep 2015). "In Defense of People: The Case Against Animal Rights"University of Pennsylvania Law Journal.
  • Duckler, G. and S. Gay (in prep 2016). "Dog Economics: Reality and Illusion in Evaluating Dogs as Companions."University of Chicago Press.


  • American Jurisprudence Award in Oregon Constitutional Law; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon 1987
  • Recipient, Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research; UCLA; Los Angeles, California 1995
  • Recipient, UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship; UCLA; Los Angeles, California 1996
  • Awardee, Collegium of University Teaching Fellows; UCLA; Los Angeles, California 1996
  • Recipient, UCLA Academic Senate Grants; UCLA ; Los Angeles, California 1994 - 1995
  • Keynote speaker, Animals and the Law Conference; NYC Bar Association; New York 1998
  • Judge, Animal Law Moot Court Competition; Harvard Law School; Cambridge, Mass. 2004 - 2009
  • Co-chair, ABA-TIPS Animal Law Committee Litigation Subcommittee; Wash. D.C. 2006 - 2008
  • "Top Dog Award - Animal Law Attorney"; SPOT Magazine; Portland, Oregon 2011 - 2012
  • Recipient, Oregon Superlawyer award 2011


  • Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists 1992 - 1998
  • Paleopathology Association 1992 - 1998
  • Consortium of Aquariums, Universities and Zoos 1997 - 1998
  • Wildlife Disease Association 1997 - 1998
  • Oregon State Bar admitted 1987
  • California State Bar admitted 1988
  • OMSI Science Education Department, Advisory Council member 1999


  • Board of Directors
       Portland Animal Welfare Team; Portland, Oregon 2009 - 2013
  • Board of Directors
       Community Animal Relief Effort [C.A.R.E.]; Eugene, Oregon 2009 - 2014
  • Board of Directors
       Stable Grounds; Portland, Oregon 2011
  • Committee Member
       Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee [IACUC]
       Portland State University; Portland, Oregon 2008 - 2011


  • Gross anatomy training
    University of California Center for Health Sciences; Los Angeles, California 1996
  • Anatomical dissection of cranial and masticatory musculature of captive felids
    Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History; Los Angeles, California 1996
  • Orthopedic pathology training
    Center for Advanced Medical Education, AF Institute of Pathology; Washington, D.C. 1996
  • Osteological, radiographic, C-T, and pathologic techniques on skeletal materials
    George C. Page Museum, Los Angeles; Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville; Michigan Technological University, Houghton; United States National Museum, Washington, D.C.; American Museum of Natural History, New York: Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles; National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C. 1992 - 1998


  • "Remains To Be Seen: Perceptions Of Extinct Animals In The Press"
    San Francisco Public Library Association; San Francisco, California October 1989
  • "The Pleistocene Extinction"
    Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI); Portland, Oregon March 1997
  • "A New Approach To Fulfilling Legal Obligations Toward Zoo Animals And Zoos"
    Animals and the Law Conference; New York City Bar Association; New York September 1998
  • "Dealing With Animals In Your Practice"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon July 2001
  • "Animal Law: Tort Law In California"
    CLE for the California State Bar; San Diego, California October 2001
  • "The Monetary Value Of Animal Life"
    9th Annual Animal Law Conference; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon November 2001
  • "The Valuation Of Animals In Tort"
    Oregon Trial Lawyer's Association; Portland, Oregon January 2002
  • "Animals And The Law: Creatures Large and Small"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon May 2002
  • "Stocking Up For The Coming Demographic Winter"
    10th Annual Animal Law Conference; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon October 2002
  • "Civil Rights And Liability Issues Arising During Investigations On Private Property"
    Oregon Code Enforcement Association; Lincoln City, Oregon July 2003
  • "Pet Legal Issues"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon July 2003
  • "Negligent Confinement, Animal Intent, Breed Profiling: New Areas In Animal Law"
    11th Annual Animal Law Conference; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon November 2003
  • "The Scooby Doo Effect And The Phantom Of Animal Ownership"
    12th Annual Animal Law Conference; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark; Portland, Oregon October 2004
  • "A Prehistorical Perspective On Preserving Animal Species"
    23rd Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference; University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon March 2005
  • "A Primer On Laws Affecting Horse Riders In Oregon"
    Oregon Equestrian Trailriders Association; Eugene, Oregon March 2005
  • "Some Questions Involving Animals And Vet Law In Oregon"
    Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital; Portland, Oregon May 2005
  • "Torticulture: The Art and Science of Animal-Related Litigation"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon July 2005
  • "Llama Law: A Brief Survey Of Laws Of Interest To Llama Owners"
    Willamette Valley Llama Association; Sherwood, Oregon September 2005
  • "Alpaca Law: A Brief Survey Of Laws Of Interest To Alpaca Owners"
    Columbia Alpaca Breeders Association; Portland, Oregon February 2006
  • "Protecting People and Their Pets"
    National Public Radio podcast interview on "Justice Talking"; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 2006
  • "Codes and Commands: Emerging Law and Religious Traditions in the Treatment of Animals"
    2007 Jonathan Newman Memorial Law Conference; U. S. Courthouse, Portland, Oregon May 2007
  • "New Tricks Taught To Old Dogs: The Latest In Litigating Animal Issues"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon July 2007
  • "Anatomy of a Products Liability Case: Biting The Hand That Wrongly Feeds Your Pet"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon July 2007
  • "Prehistoric Predators: Wolf"
    Narrator for National Geographic nature documentary; Los Angeles, California May 2007
  • "Creature Features: A Cinematic Illustration Of Legal Issues In Civil Actions Involving Animals"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon September 2008
  • "Prehistoric Predators 2: Terror Raptor"
    Narrator for Discovery Channel nature documentary; Los Angeles, California July 2009
  • "The Rules About Animals and Their Odd Treatment Under the Civil Law"
    Law Day; Portland State University; Portland, Oregon May 2010
  • "Aliens v. Predators: The Latest Statutes, Cases, and Legal Issues on Exotic and Dangerous Animals"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon June 2010
  • "Creature Features II: Cinematic Illustrations Of More Legal Issues In Civil Actions Involving Animals"
    CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon June 2010
  • "Putting On An Animal Suit: On Not Treating Pets As People"
    Law Day; Portland State University; Portland, Oregon May 2011
  • "Scooby Doo And The Phantom Of Animal Ownership: The Sequel"
    Scottish Deerhound Club of America; Hillsboro, Oregon June 2011
  • "Legal Rules and Religious Principles in the Treatment of Animals"
    Concordia University; Portland, Oregon September 2011
  • "In Defense of Humans: The Case Against Animal Rights"
    19th Annual Animal Law Conference; Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark;
    Portland, Oregon October 2011
  • "An Explanation of Animal-Related Injuries and Claims"
    Law Day; Portland State University; Portland, Oregon May 2012
  • "Personal Property or Companions? Why the Legal Status of Animals Matters" CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon October 2012
  • "Animals in the Service of People: Sense and Nonsense on Lawful Uses of Assistance Animals" CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon December 2012
  • "The Ritual Keeping of Animals" Blackfish Gallery; Portland, Oregon June 2013
  • "Oregon Legal Ethics For Every Occasion" CLE for National Business Institute; Portland, Oregon September 2014
  • "The Economics Of Valuing Animals; Evidence Rules in Animal Cases" CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon October 2014
  • "Having A Dog In The Fight: Animal-Related Crimes and Defenses" CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon June 2015
  • "On The Legal and Scientific Basis For Not Granting Rights To Animals" Animal Law Seminar; University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon October 2015
  • "Dirty Litigation Tactics: How To Deal With The Rambo Litigator" CLE for National Business Institute; Portland, Oregon December 2015
  • "Elder Abuse Reporting: Ethical Considerations For Oregon Attorneys" CLE for National Business Institute; Portland, Oregon December 2015
  • "Elder Abuse Reporting and Legal Considerations For Attorneys" ACCESS MCLE; Portland, Oregon November 2016
  • "Animals in the Service of People: Sense and Nonsense on Lawful Uses of Assistance Animals" ACCESS MCLE; Portland, Oregon January 2017
  • "Rights, Interests, Animals, Laws, and Owners: A Complex Tapestry" Pacific University; Hillsboro, Oregon April 2017
  • "Child Abuse Reporting For Attorneys in Oregon" ACCESS MCLE; Portland, Oregon October 2017
  • "Aiding and Abetting: The Legal Who, What, When, Where, and How On Animals In The Service of People" CLE for the Oregon State Bar; Portland, Oregon November 2017
  • "Dirty Litigation Tactics: How To Deal With The Rambo Litigator" CLE for National Business Institute; Portland, Oregon December 2017
  • "Criminal Defense of Animal Cruelty Crimes and Violations" ACCESS MCLE; Portland, Oregon May 2018
  • "Elimination of Bias" CLE for National Business Institute; Portland, Oregon June 2018


  • Professional writer, editor, consultant for "Giants of the Gobi" paleontological museum exhibit
    Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI); Portland, Oregon 1996
  • Professional writer, editor, consultant for National Geographic television documentary series
    National Geographic; Creative Differences Productions; Los Angeles, California 2006 - Present
  • Collaborator with Dr. Sebastien Gay in the Program on Companion Animal Capital (PCAC) in a data-sharing initiative on the Companion Animal Life Valuation Economics Study (CALVES) and the Companion Animal Added-Value Study (CAAVS)
    University of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois 2008- Present
  • Professional consultant for companion animal scientific study
    NextEra Energy Resources, LLC; Juno Beach, Florida 2009 - 2010


  • Brock v. Rowe
    Washington County Circuit Court case number C002535CV; Hillsboro, Oregon 2001
  • Greenup v. Weaver
    Clackamas County Circuit Court case number CV04120778; Oregon City, Oregon 2006
  • Filipetti v. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (the "Snowball case")
    Clackamas County Circuit Court case numbers CV07100348 and CV07110486; Oregon City, Oregon 2007- 2008
  • State v. Biggs
    Benton County Circuit Court case number CM12-21017; Corvallis, Oregon 2012


831 SW Hume St.  •  Portland, Oregon 97219  •  503-546-8052

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